Porcelain plaque Madonna and Child and John the Baptist

480 EUR
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Porcelain plaque Madonna and Child and John the Baptist

Porcelain plaque with the image of Madonna and Child and John the Baptist. According to Raphael. The stamp of the Capitoline she-wolf ROMA. Rafael Santi (Raffaello Santi) from Urbino (1483-1520) - Italian painter and architect, one of the greatest artists in all of world history. Oh, love... You are the mother of joy, the mother of peace! - Rafael exclaims. - Cleanse our eyes with your rays so that they can see the invisible... Raphael was called the master of Madonnas. His images of Madonnas are a paean to motherhood; to earthly, kind and happy mothers, filled with natural solemnity and uplifting significance. We know that he drew one of the Madonnas from a peasant woman he met on the street; the other - with his beloved. Raphaels Florentine Madonnas are beautiful, pretty, touching and enchanting young mothers. The Madonnas he created in Rome, i.e., during the period of full artistic maturity, acquire different features. These are already mistresses, goddesses of goodness and beauty, powerful with their femininity, ennobling the world, softening human
Condition: Excellent
Style: Baroque
Country: Italy
Period: 19th century
Warranty: Seller Warranty
Material: Painting, Porcelain
Product sizes: Height - 11.5cm, Width - 11.5cm, Depth - 5cm
Location: Gallery "Antiqon", Brivibas street 52, Riga, Latvia
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