Meissen B Form. Tea and coffee service for six people. 20th century.

5500 EUR
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Meissen B Form. Tea and coffee service for six people. 20th century.

Meissen B Form. Gold and cobalt tea and coffee service for six persons. Includes coffee pot, creamer, sugar bowl, tray, 6 cups and saucers and 5 dessert plates. One mug and one saucer with restoration. Blue, underglaze swords. 1980s. Coffee pot 19.5 cm high, milk jug 12 cm high, sugar bowl 11 cm high, tray size 44.5 x 31.5 cm, cup height 7 cm, saucer diameter 16.5 cm, plate diameter 20 cm.
Condition: Good
Style: Eclecticism
Country: Germany
Period: The end of the 20th century
Warranty: Seller Warranty
Material: Porcelain
Product sizes: Height - 19.5cm, Width - 20cm, Depth - 80cm
Location: Gallery "Antiqon", Brivibas street 52, Riga, Latvia
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