Giclée print on canvas, Hollywood Still Life, 2023, by Kartashov Andrey, Russia, 21st century. 1 of 250 limited prints.

4444 EUR
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Giclée print on canvas, Hollywood Still Life, 2023, by Kartashov Andrey, Russia, 21st century. 1 of 250 limited prints.

The aspiration of the post-industrial era to turn the life of a resident of the metropolis into a permanent feast became obvious. The relevance of the cost and high-quality human capital productivity are in the spotlight. With postmodernist humor, in an old Dutch still life, which in the 17th century was a symbol of burgher luxury, there is placed a golden statuette of Arnold Schwarzenegger in lieu of a golden goblet. The absolute demand gave birth to the absolute supply. Everything is a commodity. All inclusive. Perfection has been served elegantly to the table with the English-language menu. Andrey Kartashov graduated from the A. Erdely Professional College of Arts of the Transcarpathian Academy of Arts in Uzhgorod, and later graduated from the Department of Painting of the Repin St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. Since 2007, he has been a member of the Portrait Painters Association of America (PSA), and in 2016, he joined the Union of Artists of Russia. His works are represented in the collections of the Research Museum of the Russian Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg, Tianjin Museum, and Liu Haisu Museum of Art in China, Arnold Schwarzenegger Museum in Austria, as well as in private collections of collectors from Russia, the UK, the USA, China, Ukraine, Poland, France, and the Netherlands. Produced using more forward-going technologies like the Metis scanner, which allows for printing out excellent quality art pieces it becomes a high-class, exclusive art piece. Excellent art piece in an elegant black wood frame. Height: 132 cm Width: 157 cm
Condition: New
Style: Modern Art
Country: Russia
Warranty: Seller Warranty
Material: Canvas
Product sizes: Depth - 3cm, Height - 132cm, Width - 157cm
Period: 21th century
Origination of the item : Private seller
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