B. Kustodiev. Sketch of the pavilion or Abundance panel. 1920s. Watercolor, pencil.

8500 EUR
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B. Kustodiev. Sketch of the pavilion or Abundance panel. 1920s. Watercolor, pencil.

B. Kustodiev. Sketch of the pavilion or Abundance panel. 1920s. Watercolor, pencil. It represents a project of Soviet abundance, where a young peasant woman, in the center of the panel, holds above herself an apple bunch of abundance against the backdrop of a generalized landscape of fertile land. The idea of wealth is illustrated by garlands of flowers, scatterings of vegetables and fruits along the edges of the circle. Under the rising sun, earthly gifts flow from the liberated currencies of heaven. On the left and right, the composition is flanked by pairs of columns with medallions between them. The sketch is intended for the design of exhibitions of national economic achievements or market pavilions. Glorifies new forms of peasant cooperation and predicts well-deserved, joyful prosperity for the working peasantry. The masters language is characteristic: seriousness on the verge of sarcasm. In the lower right corner is the Monogram of B.K. Below is the signature of B. Kustodiev. Sheet size: 35x27 cm. Origin: MacDougals June 2019.
Condition: Good
Style: Realism
Country: Russia
Period: 20th century
Warranty: Seller Warranty
Material: Wash and watercolor on paper, Pencil
Product sizes: Height - 58cm, Width - 49cm, Depth - 2cm
Location: Gallery "Antiqon", Brivibas street 52, Riga, Latvia
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