A magnificent ladies table with gilded bronze decor and porcelain panels in the style of Adam Weisweiler. France. 19th century

25000 EUR
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A magnificent ladies table with gilded bronze decor and porcelain panels in the style of Adam Weisweiler. France. 19th century

A magnificent ladies table in the Napoleon III style, with gilt bronze decoration, porcelain top and waist panels in the manner of Adam Weisweiler (1746-1820). Rectangular in shape with corner projections, columns of legs, strict arches of their frames and luxurious scenes of porcelain panels. Combines the rigor of classicism and the playfulness of Rococo. It combines the comfort of wood, the strict majesty of acanthus, laurel belts and buds of gilded bronze with the boudoir charm of porcelain. An outstanding solution is a 35x58 cm porcelain tabletop made in the style of products from the royal Sevres manufactory, which almost completely occupies the surface of the table. It depicts a gallant pastoral of shepherdesses and a shepherd in a park by the lake, made using the technique of polychrome painting. Along the edges of the round medallions there is a motif of amorous impulse, figures in love moving towards each other. The front of the drawer also features three pastoral scenes of walks and love conversations. The sides of the waist carry floral arrangements on porcelain. An alluring and defining piece of furniture, a ladies office! In which the rigor of business forms and the casual playfulness of paintings coexist. The desk drawer is equipped with a hidden secret lock. France 19th century. Dimensions: 81x80x55.5 cm.
Condition: Good, with traces of use
Style: Napoleon III
Country: France
Period: 19th century
Warranty: Seller Warranty
Material: Wood, Gilded bronze, Porcelain, Hand Painted, Gilding
Product sizes: Height - 81cm, Width - 80cm, Depth - 55.5cm
Location: Gallery "Antiqon", Brivibas street 52, Riga, Latvia
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