16. Russian silver salt cellar-throne in the neo-Russian style from the workshop of A. FULDA. Moscow 1881.

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Russian silver salt cellar-throne in the neo-Russian style from the workshop of A. FULDA. Moscow 1881.

Russian silver salt cellar-throne in neo-Russian style, workshop of A. FULDA. Moscow 1881. With a spectacular slotted arch of the back, where two firebirds are symmetrically inscribed near a magic flower in a tub. In the upper part, the arc is expanded with decorative hemispheres of platbands. The lid of the salt shaker on a piano hinge has a T-shape and bears a reciprocal ornament of the back of the throne, where the compositional basis is carried by an arc with spheres and a neo-Russian script pattern in the center. The body of the salt shaker is made up of three relief rollers, reminiscent of wickerwork, and four stepwise contracting legs with a geometric pattern motif. Clem on the base: unknown assayer in Moscow, 1881, 84 silver standard. Oval mark of the master Alexander Iosifovich Fuld, who worked from 1862 to 1917. On the inside of the lid: 84 silver and an oval masters mark. Height: 10.4 cm, width. 9.6 cm; weight 117 g.
Condition: Good, with traces of use
Style: Neo-Russian
Country: Russia, Moscow
Period: Late 19th century
Warranty: Seller Warranty
Material: Silver 84
Product sizes: Height - 10.4cm, Width - 9.6cm, Depth - 6.5cm
Location: Gallery "Antiqon", Brivibas street 52, Riga, Latvia
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