Pair of porcelain lamps

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Pair of porcelain lamps

A pair of porcelain lamps, decorated with mascarons in the form of goat heads, as well as hand-painted elements.

Manufacturers stamp - Sächsische Porzellanmanufaktur Dresden.

Height without plafond 30 cm.

Sächsische Porzellanmanufaktur Dresden - The German Porcelain Manufactory. SP Dresden was founded in 1872 on the outskirts of Dresden, in the village of Potschappel. It was called Sachsische Porzellanfabrik zu Pottschappel von Carl Thieme” Its founder, Carl-Johann Gottlieb Thieme, was the owner of antique shops.

Since 1864, he also owned a porcelain decoration workshop, in which famous Dresden painters worked.

Condition: Excellent
Style: Napoleon III
Country: Germany
Period: 20th century
Warranty: Seller Warranty
Material: Porcelain, Hand Painted, Gilding
Product sizes: Height - 40cm, Width - 25cm, Depth - 35cm
Location: Gallery "Antiqon", Brivibas street 52, Riga, Latvia
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