Authors stone-cutting masterpiece - "Ice Battle". A Russian warrior in detailed combat weapons and historical clothes, leaning on a sword, stands on the ice of Lake Chudskoy near the helmet of a defeated crusader, whose cold steel is also made of stone.
Material: Head and arms - Jeskasgan marble, Eyes - Cacholong, Lips - Rhodonite, Hair - Quartzite, Jespilit, Shirt-Travertine and Rhodonite, Pants-Jasper, Boots - Doleri, Helmet-Jespilit and Pyrite, Stand - Icy quartz, Dagger Tigers Eye.
Материал: Голова и руки - Джескасганский мрамор, Глаза- Кахолонг, Губы- Родонит, Волосы- Кварцит, Джеспилит, Рубаха-Травертин и Родонит, Штаны-Яшма, Сапоги - Долери, Шлем-Джеспилит и Пирит, Подставка- Льдистый кварц, Кинжал-Тигровый глаз.