421. French bonbonniere with silver lid. Louis Coignet.

live_auctionClassic auction of fine and applied arts No. 9 Part II Lot: 301-700
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French bonbonniere with silver lid. Louis Coignet.

French glass bonbonniere with a silver lid. Late 19th century. Decorated with delicately engraved flowers on the glass and embossed irises on the lid. Sterling silver 925 (Minerva`s head in the octagon). And the brand of the LC master in a diamond. Louis Coignet. Known from 1889 to 1893.
Condition: Good
Style: Eclecticism
Country: France
Period: Late 19th century
Warranty: Seller Warranty
Material: Silver, Glass
Product sizes: Height - 10cm, Width - 13cm, Depth - 13cm
Location: Gallery "Antiqon", Brivibas street 52, Riga, Latvia
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