The neo-Russian or pseudo-Russian style is part of the aesthetics of historicism and national identity of the 1815-1880s. It arose as an official position and an internal response of society to the victory of 1812. Concerned about all types of artistic creation, social and philosophical life of society. Determined the type of official architecture, private brick ward architecture, historical graphics and painting, the theme of decorative and applied art. The formation of the style is associated with the question of the originality of Russian history, developed by the Slavophiles. The main forms and techniques of decoration are borrowed from wooden architecture. Geometric definiteness and ethnographic fragmentation of the decor prevail. The style was especially popular in silver. Ladles, brothers, saltcellars in the form of thrones-towers, etc. expanded the range of Russian craftsmen of the second half of the 19th century. The neo-Russian style became a stable form of thought for most of the 19th century until the advent of modernity.
Образцовая дача в неорусском стиле.
Образцовый дом в неорусском стиле.
К,Тон.Храм Христа спасителя
Кирпичный неорусский стиль.
Н,Поздеев.Дом купца Игумнова.
А.Парланд.Спаса на крови.
В.К.Демидов.Посмертный подвиг М.к.Волконского в пафнутьевом монастыре в 1610 году.
В.Г.Шварц.Сцена из домашней жизни Русских царей.
Шкатулка в древнерусском стиле.
Чайный сервиз в псевдорусском стиле.
Изделия мастерской П.Овчинникова в древнерусском стиле.
Фотографическая рамка .
Солонка - трон.
П.Овчинников.Трех-створчатая икона.
В.Г.Шварц.Вешний поезд царицы на богомолье
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