437. Russian silver tray, wedding dish of Ignatiy Sazikov.

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Russian silver tray, wedding dish of Ignatiy Sazikov.

Russian silver tray, wedding dish, probably the supplier of His Imperial Court Ignatiy Sazikov. It embodies the idea of family and homeliness in the engraving of the pediment of the Russian Wooden House, located in the center of the plate. Surrounded by a high rounded side, reminiscent of a flower, it is an ideal place for a solemn presentation of rings or a glass of honor to a dear guest. On the back there are stamps 84 samples of silver, St. Petersburg in 1860. Assay master Eduard Fedorovich Branderburg, known 1850-1866. Manufacturer: Ignatiy Sazikov under the double-headed eagle, the full name stamp, which matches the number of signs. Probably shot down during the revolutionary years. Nearby is the hallmark of Soviet Russia until 1958.

Weight approx. 431 g.

Condition: Good
Style: Neo-Russian
Country: Russia, St. Petersburg
Period: Mid-19th century
Warranty: Seller Warranty
Material: Silver 84
Product sizes: Height - 21.5cm, Width - 21.5cm, Depth - 2.5cm
Location: Gallery "Antiqon", Brivibas street 52, Riga, Latvia
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