673. Imperial Glass Factory, miniature French Bulldog.

live_auctionClassic auction of fine and applied arts No. 9 Part II Lot: 301-700
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Imperial Glass Factory, miniature French Bulldog.

Small figurine - French Bulldog (Tsars Bulldog Ortipo), Russia, Imperial Glass Factory, 1910s, smoky topaz glass, gold collar. The French bulldog named Ortipo belonged to Tatiana, the daughter of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II. Ortipo was given to Tatiana in the fall of 1914 by one of the recovering officers in the infirmary, where the princess went to help the wounded. The royal daughters watched the dog a lot and wrote down their impressions. On any travels around Russia, Tatyana always took Ortipo with her, be it a short trip to Headquarters to visit her father or short inspection trips with her mother to infirmaries and hospital trains in other cities of the empire. And even with the onset of the most difficult times in the life of the Royal Family, the hostess never parted with Ortipo, who went into exile with the whole family to the Urals. Size - 7.3 x 6.5 x 4.5 cm
Condition: Good
Material: Glass, Gold
Product sizes: Height - 7cm, Width - 6.5cm, Depth - 4.5cm
Location: Gallery "Antiqon", Brivibas street 52, Riga, Latvia
Style: Realism
Country: Russia
Period: 20th century
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